Sunday, September 6, 2015

#AlDubBattleForACause Breaks Philippine Internet

It has been very awaited that the most loved love team in Philippine TV today will eventually meet after so many weeks/months of bringing "kilig" to the whole world particularly to all Filipinos. The accidental love team became the biggest thing online and on TV. It's like everything stops when it's AlDub time. And for those, who would miss it, the internet is their ally with videos uploaded as soon a possible to let people replay the moment over and over. Now they made another historical feat with #AlDubBattleForACause.

It all started with the Saturday episode which is the biggest day in AlDub history with more than 5 million tweets for #AlDubBattleForACause and still counting up to this writing. It was a day that fans anticipate will be the day Alden and Yaya Dub will finally meet face to face. With both of them doing a special edition of "Bulaga Pa More Dabarkads Pa More" , there are conditions Lola Nidora wants to impose to say yes to the showdown - That the prize money will be given to charity and the two shall never meet. 

The whole week was indeed in anticipation for Saturday show which will get more viewers given that is a weekend. There was even also a photoshoot done wherein Alden came in around 2PM, but YayaDub came in later around 4PM, unfortunately they still did not meet.

The day came for the most awaited "Bulaga Pa More" with Alden going first. It was an explosive number with stunts and still his signature boy next door charm. Finishing his number suspended on air. Then Lola Nidora comes and again reminds him of the promise they have made. She brings Alden in a 

Then YayaDub comes for her performance and even made a drum performance. Of course, she does her specialty, Dub Smash. The winner was based on their performance and the votes by the viewers. Yaya was also greeted by Lola Nidora and brought into another room. 

But things turn into the most romantic moment for the love team... across the room where they are brought was a hallway that connected the two rooms. For the first time they see each other, not on screens but personally and just a few meters away.

It was magical, It was romantic. 

Despite knowing they are just actors, the moment was really the perfect scene fans have been waiting for. Waving to each other, they take steps closer to each other, and then as it would be perfect...

A wall came down between them, the moment is ruined again.

Lola Nidora appeared from above, she was indeed the one who again prevented them to meet. It was a tear-jerking moment for the two. Nidora explains that Alden did not fulfill his promise, explains the value of creating a promise and trust. It was actually a good speech, but of course many are still in disbelief with what she had done.

Many viewers were happy and also sad of what happened. However that encounter was the most cherished by fans. That led to an barrage of tweets, again making worldwide trends and eventually creating millions of tweets.

And with that they broke Philippine internet again.

Now the question is when will be the next time that they will meet again personally. Will Alden be able to at least hold YayaDub's hand. And what happens now with the sudden mood swing of Lola Nidora? How about her mother Isadora? The diary is still missing, and we miss the Kalye's Angels, please bring them back.

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